None of us like being thought of as "strange." Growing up one of my greatest fears was to have my friends think I was "weird." I grew out of that phase, but have never fully outgrown the desire to be considered "normal" rather than "strange."
As Christians though, we are in many ways strangely normal. Some of us are stranger than others; and God is not necessarily pleased with His children acting "weird." As we read in 1 Peter 2:12 our lives should be so "good" no one can say anything against us. But in reading through 1 Peter this morning in my old NIV I discovered Christians are strange strangers who shouldn't think life in this strange world is strange!
Let's try that again with some verses from 1 Peter. Christians are strange (4:4 "They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap a abuse on you.) strangers (1:1 To God's elect, strangers in the world; 1:17 Live your lives as strangers here...; 2:11 I urge you as aliens and strangers in the world to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul.) who shouldn't think life in this strange world is strange (4:12 do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you.)!
Christian, don't forget who you are. You are strange, and be proud of it!