Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Exposure of Our Immodesty

Once upon a time modesty was a virtue.  When a gentleman heroically risked his own life to save his comrades, the "modest" response was "I was just doing my job."  When a woman was blessed with exceptional beauty, she would not flaunt her gifts, but would dress "modestly".  

On Sunday our President exposed his immodesty by proclaiming his "genius" in a tweet.  Now boasting and outrageous claims abound in the the sports arena...immodesty is expected.  But gentleman are cautious to exalt their virtues conscious of the frailty and danger of ego.  A wise man once warned,

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
someone else, and not your own lips.  
Proverbs 27:2

On the same day at the golden globes, many women, who were attempting to stand up against sexual harassment, dressed to expose their "gifts" for all to see.  Such is the expectation of our immodest society.  The same wise man made this picturesque observation about such women.  

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.  
Proverbs 11:22

Oh for the day when modesty was a virtue in politics, in entertainment... in our world.  When modesty is cast aside, so go many other virtues which sustain a respectful society, virtues like selflessness, kindness, sacrifice, and love.  In their place, vices including boasting, arrogance, harassment (verbal and sexual), and abuse take their place.  I hope we've had enough of these.