Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Honest to God!

The secret is out!  One of my favorite authors is John Ortberg.  He makes me think, and he makes me laugh.  For instance, last night I'm minding my own business reading his book, When the Game is Over it All Goes Back in the Box.  Suddenly, without warning John blows away my understanding of American history and blows up my understanding of myself all in one story. "The most famous story about lying in American history is the story of George Washington cutting down a cherry tree.  His father asked him who did it.  George is supposed to have said, 'I cannot tell a lie; it was me.' That was in a biography written by Parson Weems in the nineteenth century - he made the story up.  The most famous story about not lying in America was a lie."  Now that's funny serious!

I can't hide secrets from God, but I can lie to Him.  Yesterday in a conversation with a struggling friend I encouraged him to read the Psalms.  I find great honesty with God in these Old Testament songs written by real men of faith.   "Is God listening?  Has He abandoned me?  Why do bad things happen to the faithful?  Against you have I sinned."  The Psalmists are just being honest with God.  Reading Psalm 60 this morning helped me appreciate the honesty of another saint and his journey through this sin-stained world.  

Have you been honest with our Father today?   Really.  Have you taken time to cry out and confess?  Don't let George Washington have one up on us, even if it was a lie.  

I'm curious - what do you find hardest to be honest with God about?  Sin, doubt, or feelings about people?

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